Lustige Gedichte Testbericht

ab 9,68
Auf gelistet seit 09/2003

5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern
0 Sterne

Erfahrungsbericht von Icebabe








Hallo liebe Freunde!

Wir haben (schon länger her) in der Schule in Englisch mal Poesie durchgesprochen, und uns wurden viele verschiedene Arten von Gedichten vorgestellt. Darunter auch Limericks. Am Ende mussten wir selbst welche dichten.

Limericks sind lustige Reime, mit einer speziellen Form und Rhythmus. Die Form wurde im 19. Jahrhundert populär, durch Edward Lear. Der Name kommt aus SW Irland, Munster. Die Hauptstadt von Munster ist Limerick, auf der Landkarte neben dem Fluß Shannon zu finden.

Hier sind ein paar Limericks, in Englisch.

There was once a lady of Riga
Who went for a ride on a tiger.
They returned from the ride
With the lady inside
And a smile on the face of the tiger.

There was a young piggy named Clyde
who ate 40 apples and died.
The apples fermented,
inside they lamented
making cider inside his inside.

Said the boy driving home towards Clere:
\'We\'ve just run out of petrol, my dear.\'
Said the girl: \'Not to worry!
I\'m not in a hurry.
You get out and push and I\'ll steer.\'

There was a young fellow named Sydney
who drank till he ruined his kidney.
It shrivelled and shrank
As he sat there and drank,
But he had a good time at it, didn\'t he?

There once was an old man of Esser,
who\'s knowledge grew lesser and lesser,
It at last grew so small,
he knew nothing at all,
so know he\'s a college professor.

There was a young man from the city,
Who saw what he thought was a kitty.
To make sure of that
He gave it a pat.
They buried his clothes; what a pity.

There once was a guy named Matt
Who had an overly large cat
When it chased a mouse
It shook the whole house
So Matt got rid of the cat.

Ich hoffe, sie gefallen euch, lg ***Ice***

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