Kurzgeschichten Testbericht

ab 10,41
Auf yopi.de gelistet seit 10/2003

Erfahrungsbericht von Flyer3000








Einen schönen, guten Tag an die gesamte community !

Vorab möchte ich erwähnen, dass ich diesen Bericht unter gleichem nickname auch bei ciao.com veröffentlicht habe !

Im Rahmen meiner Facharbeit (Thema: Short stories as a way of expressing changes in people´s lives as consequences of September 11 th), die ich im letzte Schuljahr schreiben musste, habe ich 4 Kurzgeschichten angefertigt, von denen ich Euch wenigstens eine nicht vorenthalten möchte !

Ich habe die Facharbeit im Fach Englisch geschrieben und daher ist die Kurzgeschichte logischerweise auch in Englisch verfasst worden !
Diejenigen, die der englischen Sprache nicht oder nicht ausreichend mächtig sind, möchte ich bitten, an dieser Stelle das Lesen abzubrechen und von einer Bewertung abzusehen ! Vielen Dank !

Here we go....:

A New Dimension

\"Oh damn\" - what a fright I got ! I jumped out of my bed hastily. The alarm - clock had gone off nine times ! I was shocked. Too late ! The deal of my life was gone !

The day before I had arrived at my hotel late in the night - the flight from Frankfurt to New York had been delayed, the typical New York traffic chaos had made the taxi drive a torture and last but not least the evening meal I had gobbled up hastily in the restaurant nearby had made me feel sick. When I had finally gone to bed I had asked myself whether all this had to be assessed as a bad omen for the day to come - the day that should be a decisive moment in my career as a businessman.
All these thoughts ran through my mind when I draw the curtains to let some light into the hotel room. It was a sunny day - the chance of which I had not taken.

In the wrinkles of my eyes I caught sight of a plane overflying Manhat-tan and I felt the strong wish being in there to escape with all my prob-lems. But I was a successful businessman and had to stand the situa-tion that seemed to be so hopeless for me now.
I remembered the words my father had often said to me when things seemed to be difficult in life: \"My son\", he had used to say, \"enjoy life when it is easy to strengthen your soul for harder times, but also use the difficult sections of your life as an occasion to overcome them, not to give up and - what is not less important - learn from them. And then he had often told me about his own experiences and I listened to these stories - fascinated and spellbound.

Now I was in such an uncomfortable situation and did not have those fascinating feelings any more. And I started freezing.

My view went back to the plane and the sunny sky - and I denied both. I closed my eyes desperately .
But what was that ? I did not trust my ears. An immense explosion took me back to reality ! - Vibration ! - Tremor ! I fell in a state of shock - not being able to do anything - only watching the huge cloud rising and expanding from the World Trade Centre - accompanied by huge fire-balls.

I must have been standing there for quite a while when I suddenly saw fire brigades and police - cars searching their way to the World Trade Centre like ants in an anthill.

I switched on TV. In the crowd of confused people I saw reporters helplessly trying to clear the situation. \"The day cannot even become worse\", I thought.

A moment later a second explosion was to be heard. It was by no means smaller than the first one. I looked outside and saw the second tower burning. \"No accident !\" I stuttered to myself.

From then on I can only remember my mind being torn between the real picture behind the window and the picture on TV: hurt people, flab-bergasted reporters, determined as well as frightened firemen, desper-ate relatives and friends - the pyramid of sorrow culminated in people jumping out of the windows - obviously in order to escape the unbear-able heat, the suffocating smoke and the destroying flames ! Remem-bering the words of my father I noticed that never before in my life I had been longing so much for the substance of better days that – according to my father - should have strengthened my soul for problem-atic times.

From that time on the assessment of problems got a new dimension.

I hope you enjoyed this short story !

Jochen Walter alias Flyer3000

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